I decided to make a “lite” DTA web extension after all.
Of course, it will have serious limitations and far fewer features, but that’s a limitation of WebExtensions and what can you do? Those limitations so far created a bunch of road blocks that will prevent DTA from working correctly in a lot of cases (like the inability to specify HTTP Referer
On a maybe positive, it should be easy enough to support Chrome too (and Opera, etc?)
This is roughly the progress so far. I also implemented the Add Download (single URL) user interface for the most part, as well as internal queue tracking.
Regarding the actual downloading, I am still undecided how to best proceed there. There is things we could do with blob: “files” to support segmented downloads and proper resuming and a ton of other things, but browser support right now looks fragile at best…
I’ll update y’all once I got a version ready for public testing.